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Uncategorized Work Advice

What more can be done on the side of work


Settling into a job can be fairly simple and comforting for a time being but nonetheless you will most likely hit a point where you want something more in life, whether it’s more money, more time, a better pad, the list goes on.

Once you have determined that you want something more, the most critical question then to be asked is what can you do about it? What can you do to move closer to accomplishing your goals? The swiftest answer to be put forth is “get another job”. This seems plausible but if you are working 40 hours a week already then an extra job may be fairly demanding on your schedule and let’s not forget health.

Another option, the one I like best, is to pursue something on the side of work that can bring in extra income either online or through your personal networking endeavors. This is realistic option since you can do it during your free time at home or while you are out mingling and will not have to worry about dealing with a second boss. Instead of spending an hour or two playing Candy Crush on Facebook you can actually be working on bringing in extra income that will help you move closer to accomplishing your goals.

Does learning what you can do outside of work to bring in extra income sound appealing to you? I hope so, it will be one of the biggest changes in your life. Contact me to learn more.

413Contact Lauren Ell to learn more about how to generate income on the side of work.

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