I recently came across a post of someone in a biz forum inquiring about effective methods of promoting a blog. One response that came in was this…
“The first thing to do is to keep creating content.
Second, write an About Me page for the blog or take it off the site. Right now it just has the boilerplate text. I’d recommend writing something. People like to know a little bit about those who write what they read.
Third, find blogs that are dealing with the same subject matter that you are. Comment on those blogs, substantive comments, not link drops. If something someone says on another blog really strikes a chord with you, write a post on your blog including a link to the content on their blog that inspired you.
Fourth, consider setting up accounts on Facebook and Twitter. That can be a good way to publicize a blog.
Fifth, be patient. Building readership takes time. Lots of time. Every blog out there that’s a blockbuster was patiently nurtured and written over a period of years. You have to put in the time.“
I found it interesting that the fifth recommendation involved the most critical aspect of a blog – “the long term”. It’s true that obtaining consistent traffic to your blog does take commitment over the long haul so in actuality the fifth recommendation should be in first place to ensure optimal success. Spending hours and hours promoting a blog that will be quickly abandoned should be avoided at all costs.
I’ve learned from experience that in the beginning lots of thinking needs to go towards determining the overall goal of the blog in order to ensure long term commitment. There have been times where I came up with an idea that seemed ingenious at the moment but as I pursued it I realized there were challenges I could not cope with whether it be fading interest or lack of capital. As a result I spent a lot of time promoting a blog that I ended up leaving behind.
So this inquiring person I mentioned previously has just launched a blog and now wants to promote it. Great, exciting times! My first recommendation is to make sure you are serious about the blog before getting involved with promotion. Understand what the purpose is and if you can handle the demand it will have on you as you begin development.
Thinking in depth about your blog before launching it will help you start off on the right foot and stay committed to the blog for a longer period of time. This may all sound obvious but you cannot believe how many blogs I come across that haven’t been updated for years! Good luck on your blogging endeavors and feel free to contact me if you have questions about promoting your content.

Lauren Ell
Ell is an Online Marketing consultant based in Southern California. She shares online business opportunities to generate income as well as assists small and large companies develop their marketing strategies. Contact Lauren Ell directly or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.