After dropping out of university without obtaining a degree I originally felt like a failure with practically nothing to fall back on. I moved back home questioning how I would ever be at peace with my line of work without having solid education backing that I always believed was a requirement for success. However as time went on and I became creative with finding methods of generating income I realized that I was actually successful without going through the long costly haul of University. Amazing!
I am going to explain a few primary classes that really helped me become a more critical thinker to solve problems and find methods of generating income off the beaten track. These classes can be taken at a Community College which is much more cost effective and easier to deal with than University. You can even watch Youtube videos or take free courses via Coursera.
#1 English
Little did I know during high school and college that English was developing skills I would continue using throughout my life. I frequently read classic novels and wrote essays supporting particular angles of my choosing which at the time seemed like pointless projects. During this process, however, not only was I learning how to spell and write grammatically correct text, but I was also learning how to sift through information to find detail that supported my views and answered my questions.
Due to my skilled writing abilities I later went on to win scholarships and be selected for job opportunities because of my well-written cover letters. To this day I am often recognized for my writing and am a quick learner due to reading skills.
#2 All Communications courses
Journalism in particular is an excellent course that will teach you wonders that can be used in the real world. Journalism entails writing (again, English!) as well communicating with others whether it’s with a fellow photographer or contacting someone for an interview. You must be creative, on your toes and well-spoken to accomplish tasks.
Often this is what happens in the real world. You are the go-getter, the one who makes the call, presents yourself and initiates connecting with others. It is your responsibility to be successful and obtain the information you need. People without these abilities are often left hanging and waiting for someone to call them or give them direction which will never lead to success.
Public speaking is another great class that will help you develop skills for speaking in front of audiences as well as strategically presenting yourself and making a point in conversation.
#3 Philosophy
I remember taking a Philosophy course (I forget the exact name) where all we did was discuss two subjects: providing aid to foreign countries and drug legalization. To this day I am amazed that we spent a whole semester analyzing only two topics yet I left with such a memorable experience.
What I learned from this course was that there is not one specific way to look at a particular situation. When we started discussing the subjects I had my initial views which I felt fairly solid in. However as time went on and I began hearing new perspectives from other students and the professor, I began noticing my views were shifting, churning and being turned upside down. By the end of the discussion I felt like I had a whole new perspective that was so different and versatile compared to what I had entered the class with.
From this class I observed how the mind must be open to new perspectives and opportunities in order to adapt to changes we experience in our lifetime whether it is financially, socially or physically. If a person’s mind stays rigid and “closed” to emerging opportunities then that person will have a difficult time finding success in life. Those who are able to accept change in perspective and ultimately have an “open” mind will have higher optimism and look at challenges from different points.
The core theme in all of these courses is strategy. When you have the strategy blended with passion you will no longer be subservient to those around you but in fact turn to yourself to find solutions to problems. With the internet at our fingertips we can run wild as we are certainly in exciting times.
Contact me to learn about a business opportunity to generate income. You will need an open mind to be successful.

Lauren Ell
Ell is an Online Marketing consultant based in Southern California. She shares online business opportunities to generate income as well as assists small and large companies develop their marketing strategies. Contact Lauren Ell directly or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.