“Marketing”, a word that is spoken so frequently in today’s age. Business owners often welcome marketing techniques with open arms while others may scorn marketing with conspiracy theories. Nevertheless I have been drawn to the world of Marketing for various reasons and will explain why.
A fond memory I have during my childhood is watching cereal commercials in between my favorite Saturday morning TV shows. Fruit Loops, Cookie Crisp, Coco Pebbles, one after the other played before my young eyes. Can you guess the cereals my siblings and I demanded when we went to the store with my mom? Yup, the sweetest cereals available! Sometimes she bought them for us.
As I became older and more health conscious I realized how obsessed my siblings and I were with sugar-infested cereals while looking down upon foods that were healthier options. I questioned who would stoop so low to market unhealthy food to children and ultimately develop their craving for sugar they will most likely have the rest of their lives?
From that moment on I realized how significant marketing is in not only influencing the consumer at a specific point in time, but also shaping the consumer’s future life. If the consumer is constantly exposed to sugary fat foods at a young age then we can make a fairly solid prediction of the future health of that consumer – it’s not good!
I decided to pursue marketing to turn the tables by helping individuals develop businesses that are positive for the consumer. I would assist entrepreneurs that want to help individuals eat better, exercise, have a clean home and altogether improve their lifestyle. I am proud to say I have worked with a number of start-ups evolving around the world of holistic healing, healthy lifestyle and education. I look forward to the future of honing in on businesses that promote health, happiness and peace. Contact me to learn more.

Lauren Ell
Ell is an Online Marketing consultant based in Southern California. She shares online business opportunities to generate income as well as assists small and large companies develop their marketing strategies. Contact Lauren Ell directly or follow on Twitter or Facebook.