Parents often nag their young children by telling them to say “thank you” whenever someone does something nice for them yet not explain the benefits of expressing gratitude. My parents (I love you!) were this way while I was younger so I developed a view that saying thank you as something that was simply expected rather than something that positively impacts people.
I started giving “thank you” more thought when I was with an ex-boyfriend, Phil, for a period of time. Whenever we checked through the line at the grocery store Phil never said thank you to the cashier or person who bagged our items. After he turned away from the smiling cashier I would quickly turn back and say “THANK YOU!!” in a loud tone. I felt disappointed by ignoring someone who performed a service for me and could not leave without showing some form of gratitude.
After this occurrence happened a number of times I realized how the words “thank you” are so positive for people. I thought about the grocery store employees who check items hour after hour with little opportunity to truly speak with someone. How unfortunate would it be if they did not at least receive a “thank you” from customers?
And get this, not only is saying “thank you” positive for the person who served you, it’s positive for you as well! Smiling and taking time to express gratitude is practically like giving someone a gift. You leave them knowing you gave appreciation for their service and acknowledge the work they did for you.
Since I’ve been doing consultant work I have received so many lovely comments from clients such as “Thank you!!,” “You are such a great help!,” “You are awesome!” I cannot tell you how heart-warming it is to feel appreciated and acknowledged for my work and to know I helped a client accomplish exactly what they wanted. I have received such positive vibes from clients that I willingly give them shoutouts via my social media channels and give them referrals simply because they are caring and appreciative.
This is how saying “thank you” goes a long way. I encourage you to take notice of those around you who provide assistance whether it is big or small and make sure they know you acknowledge and appreciate their service.

Lauren Ell
Ell is an Online Marketing consultant based in Southern California. She shares online business opportunities to generate income as well as assists small and large companies develop their marketing strategies. Contact Lauren Ell directly or follow on Twitter or Facebook.