Contact Lauren

ar133943255477338Each and every one of us has a sphere of influence, whether it’s family, co-workers or people on Facebook. We all have someone we can influence and share information with, vice versa, and build strong beneficial bonds.

This is important to understand because this sphere is ultimately your support group and sound board. They will influence you just as much as you influence them and when you speak highly of a business or product they will take note of it. Be confident to reach out to your sphere about products and services you like because you will become a go-to source as well as bond with individuals immensely which is a desirable position to have.

I will give a detailed example.

One problem I, and many people in my sphere, have is committing to physical fitness. I recently began attending Crossfit sessions and have found the results so amazing that I was moved to not only share photos but even produce a video. As a result I have received much positive feedback from my sphere and have bonded with individuals who have come out of the woodwork who are also Crossfitters or desire to improve their physique. These are the people I ultimately want to connect with: people who are already acting on their desires or know what their desires are. I want to be around positive people who will support my efforts and in return I will support theirs.


Video edited with  Vegas Movie Studio 13
Yes, I know the photos are a bit risque which may cause the increase in likes but I know that improved physique and fitness will always be highly supported by my sphere because fitness is respected. And yes, I am promoting Crossfit without expecting anything in return but connecting with my sphere on this niche subject is worth it because it is such a positive movement that I know will build my connections with confident people and ultimately create a “go-to” reputation for me.

Remember to take advantage of your sphere of influence in person and on the web. Shout through the roof when you like something and be confident and positive when you speak. You will attract like-minded individuals and find yourself swimming in a group of determined minds that will be there for you in times of need.

About the author:
Lauren Ell
Ell is an Online Marketing consultant based in Southern California. She shares online business opportunities to generate income as well as assists small and large companies develop their marketing strategies. Contact Lauren Ell directly or follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

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