When small business owners launch a website they are often enticed to work with web designers offering cheap service who have little to no proof of the quality of their work. It’s just a website, no need to pay a high fee right? Let’s look closer at how cheap web design service can potentially lead to problems down the road that eat up time and money.
I will use one of my clients, Michelle (bless her heart!), as an example. Michelle, a US resident, opted to work with a foreign based web designer to set up her WordPress site at a very affordable price. Their working relationship started off well as he set up the site and inserted content, but everything went south when she began requesting customization. He would take weeks to respond to her emails and had difficulty in comprehending her requests so she quickly became frustrated with the whole project. In the end this web designer cost Michelle time and extra money only for her to not receive the results she wanted. To top it off she also had to take time to find a new web designer and go through the whole initial stage of building a working relationship again.
Michelle could have bypassed these problems if she had gone with a local based web designer who has a portfolio and testimonies from clients to prove positive work ethic, reliable communication and pleasing work. Although she would be paying a higher fee initially, she would actually be saving herself time and money over the long haul since she is working with a web designer who is easy to contact, knows what to do and will be a long term working partner.
My recommendation to new website launchers is to be cautious when selecting a web designer. Ask friends and professional acquaintances for referrals and test how well the web designer communicates via email and phone. Your website is the visual representation of your business so it is important that it is presentable and you can easily make changes when necessary.
Want to talk more about choosing a web designer? Send me a message and I will respond back to you.
Also, are you a talented and reliable web designer with good communication skills? Contact me to be added to my web designer referral list.
About the author: Lauren Ell
Ell is an Online Marketing consultant based in Southern California. She shares online business opportunities to generate income as well as assists small and large companies develop their marketing strategies. Contact Lauren Ell directly or follow her on Twitter and Facebook.