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Healthy Living

Go Far By Surrounding Yourself With Positive Minds

Standing FocusOne of the best things to do for achieving success is to be around positive minds that support and applaud you. These people will be there for you when times are rough and help you stay mentally stable when challenges arise, not to mention they tend to be resourceful and solution oriented. Having this support system is critical for developing your life rather than retracting.

Negative mindset can do a lot of damage even when the impact is not obvious. By negative mindset I mean people who frequently complain, offer little to no insight for improvement or act like they are better than you. Of course criticism should be accepted to a certain point but if you are constantly surrounded by it then you will most likely find yourself in a dark cave, mentally speaking.

Facebook is a really good place to become aware of the attitudes you are surrounding yourself with. I remember one particular high school classmate I added on Facebook who constantly complained about all aspects of her life, whether it was her financial situation, relationships or motherly responsibilities. I began noticing how her comments always brought me to a low feeling so I decided to remove her from my friends list.

Take a look at the negativity around you and try to turn it into a positive. Even indirect negativity, such as comments like, “It’s the economy’s fault,” can have an undesirable impact on your level of motivation. When you find that you cannot change negativity to positivity then you have to decide if you want to continue to be in that atmosphere or not, as it will play a role in your life.

Sending positive vibes your way!

391511_10151159121463552_1141783345_nAbout the author: Lauren Ell

Ell is an Online Marketing consultant based in Southern California. She shares online business opportunities to generate income as well as assists small and large companies develop their marketing strategies. Contact Lauren Ell directly or follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

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