I recently hosted a merchant table at a Christmas market in Huntington Beach, CA, and did mobile sales with Paypal Here’s Mobile Card Reader for …
REVIEW: Using Paypal Here for the first time to do mobile transactions

Online Marketing Consultant and Virtual Assistant
I recently hosted a merchant table at a Christmas market in Huntington Beach, CA, and did mobile sales with Paypal Here’s Mobile Card Reader for …
While Facebook has made it much easier to learn information about the people you are communicating with online, it is still important to take extra …
Whether you are selling products or marketing your business at an event, optimizing your branding is critical to get the biggest return on your investment …
Occasionally we find ourselves stranded by companies we have used for years and are suddenly scrambling to find a new company to work with. One …
While more virtual jobs become available on the web, more scams are also appearing. Keep an eye open for these rad flags when communicating with …
I just had a pleasant phone call with my client, Michael, based in San Diego, CA, that is planning to release his new e-book in …
Lauren Ell Marketing is proud to have US-based Scandinavian online store Nordic Wonders featured in popular Norwegian-American magazine known as The Norwegian American. Being published …
We all love examples of success! A primary example of where you can see my communication and marketing strategies in action is LaurenElloftheHiDesert.com. There you …
Have you ever showed up at a coffee shop for an initial meeting with a potential client or business partner only to find yourself tapping …